116 Wilson Pike Circle, Brentwood, TN 37027

What is Envirem?
Looking for a way to detox from environmental toxins? Envirem can offer tips and advice on how to avoid toxins and live a healthier life. Whether it's in the form of air pollution, water contamination, or even the food we eat, toxins are everywhere. But there are ways to protect ourselves and our families from these harmful substances. Envirem is here to help you make the best choices for your health and the environment.Envirem is the perfect solution for those looking for an effective way to protect their health and prevent disease and aging caused by environmental factors.
Skin Coating Innovation

The skin is the largest organ of the body, and therefore, is the first line of defense from the harmful effects of the environment, disease, illness, toxins, and heavy metals. Current technologies lack to fully address the monitoring and identifying of skin needs as well as delivering pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, biotechnology, vitamins, formulas, and oils. Even at its optimal condition, skin has limitations as it pertains to temperature, pH, conductivity, water resistance, chemical/solvent resistance, and flexibility and durability. Dr. Christina Rahm’s patent-pending skin coating innovation acts as a first line of defense from outside invaders such as environmental pollutants, disease, illness, toxins, and heavy metals. The structure of the skin coating incorporates a formula using stabilized ionic silver, citric acid, and nano-sized zeolite solutions in combination with iron oxide nanoparticles.
Dr. Rahm’s innovation integrates inflammation-free, highly gas-permeable, ultra-thin, lightweight and stretchable sensors through a conductive nano-mesh structure to utilize the skin as a wireless system that could detect, identify, and provide protection and remove bacteria, viruses, funguses, parasites, toxins, heavy metals, nuclear waste, pollution, and pesticides/herbicides which causes disease and aging.

Meet Dr. Christina Rahm
Dr. Christina Rahm is an international scientific influencer that creates proprietary formulas/patents/trade secrets to solve global issues for the environment, people, and animals. Known for her International best seller, “Cure the Causes,” Dr. Christina Rahm focuses on getting to the ROOT of issues to help mankind.
Dr. Christina Rahm is an international well-published scientist that has traveled to over 85 countries. She has received numerous Doctorate degrees in various areas of science and the humanities and recently received two Honorary Doctorate degrees in Humanity and Pharmaceutical Science. Known for being a mother, scientist, and humanitarian, Dr. Christina Rahm has been brought in to consult with world leaders all over our globe. Her recent achievements include creating formulas for “The Root Brands,” and launching a global scientific runway fashion and art series, “Under the Red Chandelier.”
5G Protective Clothing Line
Currently In development and will be rolling out in 2023